Teacher Phanith is the academic and discipline coordinator of Don Bosco Kep. He is past pupil of media communication of Don Bosco Sihanoukville and came to work at Don Bosco Kep in 2012 in the section of social communication as instructor, while he did his BA in information technology in the Kampot University. He settled in Kep province when he married. Teacher Phanith leads also the development of the TVET project and the opening of short courses for the vocational training of local young people from Kep Province in agreement with the Royal Ministry of Labor and other TVET organizations. He is the supervisor for the school rule of discipline, child and young adults protection policies and the guard of the green campus, making sure that students and teachers can coexist with the environment and Mother Earth in a pedagogical and friendly manner.
Teacher Som Phanith, Academic Coord.