Don Bosco Kep (Technical School and Children Fund) is a non-for-profit organization and non government organization under the Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia International (TVET) and Don Bosco Foundation of Cambodia (Children Fund). The project depends mainly from donations in order to pay salaries, electricity, water, food and maintenance. We appreciate any support.
Every month, we have to pay bills the following estimate:
- Salaries: $ 12,000 USD.
- Electricity: $ 2,000 USD.
- Food for the poorer students: $ 2,000 USD.
- Maintenance including vehicles: $ 4,000 USD.
- ESTIMATE TOTAL per month: $ 20,000 USD.
The average number of students at the Technical School is 400. It means that the real cost per student is estimated in $ 50 USD per student per month.
Ways to join our mission:
- Sponsor a student: $ 50 USD per month / $ 300 USD per semester / $ 600 USD per year / $ 1,200 USD the full course (2 years of associate degree.)
- Pay our electrical bill for one month ($ 2,000 USD) / Donate solar panels to reduce the expenses.
- Donate for the school kitchen to support students who are unable to sustain their daily meals / Thanks for food you can put on our school kitchen such as vegetables, fruits, cooking elements, rice and others.
- Donate material for the technical sections (electricity, secretariat, media communication and information technology.) If you are in Europe and you can send material, please contact Sawasdee Foundation in the Netherlands / Contact: / They send containers to Don Bosco Cambodia with educational material for our different projects. If you are in USA, get in touch with Salesian Missions New Rochelle / Contact: / You have to specify that your donation is directed to us. If you are in Australia, you can contact Salesian Missions Australia. If you are in other part of the world or in Cambodia, Contact Us:
By phone
- Call Human Resources (+855) 97 585 2739
- Call Headmaster (+855) 10 844 820
- Call Academic Coordinator and School Discipline (+855) 11 276 167
- Call the Rector: (+855) 973712020.
By email
- Administration:
- Rector:
- Headmaster:
- Academic coordinator and school discipline:
By post
Don Bosco Technical School, NR33A, Thmey Village, Prey Thom Commune, Kep District, Kep Province.
P.O. Box 9801 – Kep City, Cambodia / Postal Code: 220000.
Visit our social networks
Visit the school
You are welcome to visit our school at any time of the year. You may want to contact us first by email or phone.
The school is opposite the Kep Department of Education. Coming from the south it is 2.4 kilometres (1.5 miles) from the Crab Market and coming from the north it is 4.8 kilometres (3 miles) from the White Horse Monument.
Our partners / sponsors

Mr. Gerard van Hal (Don Bosco Hatrans) has been sponsor of our projects in Kep Province since 1994, when he knew Fr. John Visser, SDB, one of the founders of Don Bosco in Cambodia. Since then, Mr. Gerard van Hal visits Don Bosco Hatrans Kep every year and support the initiatives for the good of our children and youth.

Ellen and Hector Loontjens and the benefactors of Sawasdee Foundation, supporting academic material and scholarships for students since 1991. Being good friends of Fr. John Visser, they supported his projects in Thailand. When he came to Cambodia in 1992, Sawasdee Foundation stayed at his side and the side of the Salesians to support the mission with scholarships for children and youth and the sending of material with the containers. They visit Cambodia every year with many benefactors, making possible that the Don Bosco projects continue to run for the benefit of so many children and youth.

Stichting Scholenproject Cambodja (SSCR) and Wilde Ganzen, supporting academic material and scholarships for students. With the coordination of Mr. Rolf Renzow, SSCR has been at the side of the Don Bosco Projects in Cambodia in many areas: They have provided scholarships for the Don Bosco Children Fund, material and maintenance for the technical schools and they have supported initiatives of self sustainability. At Don Bosco Kep, they support the social communication department with equipment, the solar plant and the children fund.

Fr. John Lee Memorial Foundation, supporting scholarships to students.

Fr. Peter Milburn Foundation, with the attention of Madge McGuire in Australia, supporting the scholarships of students in the different Don Bosco schools of Cambodia.

Wolfgang Bauernfeind passed away in Berlin in February 2023. He was a senior radio journalist and he supported the Don Bosco Kep social communication project since 2008 as member of the Senior Experten Service (SES) of Germany and as a benefactor supporting students of social communication, especially indigenous youth. We renamed the audiovisual studio with his name to pay a perpetual homage to a great journalist, writer, teacher, friend and benefactor. His wife, Uti, created the Wolfgang Fund to continue supporting Cambodian indigenous youth to study in Don Bosco.

Uti Hennecke Bauernfeind has come to Don Bosco since 2008 as senior expert (SES) with her husband Wolfgang to lead workshops on hospitality, leadership and sustainability, while supporting Cambodian indigenous youth to study in Don Bosco.