Short Courses, workshops, seminars, retreats

Don Bosco Kep offers its campus and academic community for the celebration of short courses, workshops, seminars and retreats in association with other organizations especially those working in the field of youth technical education, environment and indigenous peoples. 

Short courses and workshops can be on the same fields of the four faculties as short versions of the curriculum or adapted to particular needs of communities in electricity, secretarial and hospitality, information technology and media communication. A short course should be not less than 4 weeks. There is a language course in English and Khmer that is mandatory for young foreigners willing to participate in any faculty of the technical school.  

Seminars and retreats are events of fewer days such as one week long and they can be organized in association with other organizations or upon the request of particular communities. Seminars and retreats can be about topics such as indigenous peoples, environment, ancestral spirituality, children and young people’s mental health and women empowerment.

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