Phnom Penh — The educative project of Don Bosco Kep, a technical school and program supporting rural and indigenous children and youth in their education, was awarded with the Environmentally Friendly Operator 2024 recognition by the Royal Ministry of Environment in Phnom Penh this week. In a ceremony presided by H.E. Eang Sophalleth, ministry of environment, private and public organizations were included in the recognition representing the 25 provinces of the Kingdom.
Kep Province was represented by three organizations with Don Bosco: The Knai Bang Chatt and the Try Palace resorts, enterprices that have made a great investment in the protection of the environment in one of the most natural provinces of the country.
The Minister underlined the importance of education in the participation to build sustainables societies, where humans and nature can live together in harmony: “The participation of Cambodian children shows the cultivation of “beauty” and “green shoots” in their young minds. When they grow up, their descendants and grandchildren will have a clean and green mindset and Cambodia will be sustainable, clean and green,” he added. Don Bosco Kep has included environment as a platform of education since 2011 in the design of their curriculum with the motto “Don Bosco Hatrans, education and environment for the young.” Their green campus has become a model of sustainability and inspiration in the context of Kep Province, participating with the local government in programs such as the mangrove forest preservation, the Clean Kep project and actions to create consciusness in the students and teachers.
“This is a positive sign that we can work together in order to have clear signs to preserve and work with nature in our time,” said Fr. Albeiro Rodas, director of Don Bosco Kep. “Pope Francis is inviting us to work in concrete actions to reduce carbon emissions, promote sustainable practices, support vulnerable communities, raise awareness and education and to join global cooperations. The Pope says <<If we approach nature and the environment without this openness to awe and wonder, if we no longer speak the language of fraternity and beauty in our relationship with the world, our attitude will be that of masters, consumers, ruthless exploiters, unable to set limits on their immediate needs. By contrast, if we feel intimately united with all that exists, then sobriety and care will well up spontaneously>>.”
The Minister invited to participate in two national commitments in Cambodia: “Cambodian without plastic” for 2025 and to ensure the protection of natural resources for future generations. The Clean Cambodia – Khmer can do Program counts with the participation of nearly 3 million persons, while this year the national program “Green Sprouts” has planted 1.3 million spalings in the country and more than 20 thousand palms along the Cambodian borders.