KEP CITY — The Carmelites of the Sacred Heart of Mother Luisita are celebrating 75 years of pontifical approval. In this occasion, Pope Francis granted to them the Plenary Indulgency to those faithful that attend a Mass in this occasion during this year.
The Carmelite sisters are associated to the Salesian mission in Cambodia since 2016, when the Salesians requested their presence at Don Bosco Kep to help as guardians of the children and youth. The first sisters arriving to Cambodia on 1st October 20216 were Sr. Juanita Navel from Mexico, a nurse, and Sr. Milagros Ramírez from Peru, expert in children education. In 2019 Sr. Maria Ramona Gutierrez from Mexico joined the mission. On 12th December 2019 Mgr. Olivier Schmitthaeusler, Apostolic Vicar of Phnom Penh, approved the canonical creation of their community inside the Don Bosco Kep in agreement with the Salesians.
We join with their sisters in their celebrations and appreciate their participation in the Salesian mission in Cambodia. For this reason, we celebrated the Holy Eucharist with our students, teachers and friends on 27th April 2024 at the Don Bosco Birth House and with a big image of Mother Luisita.