Kep province, on the morning of Friday, the 5th day of the month of Phalkun, in the year of Karl Chatva Sak, BE 2566, which is on the 24th of February, 2023. Don Bosco Technical School of Kep Province, in collaboration with the Kep Provincial Administration, organized a ceremony to award technical master’s degrees to students from the first generation to the seventh generation in the academic year 2013 to 2021, with a total of 213 students. In view of this program as a whole, it was conducted under the high presidency of HE Dr. Som Piseth, Governor of Kep Province.

For 12 years, after receiving permission from the Royal Government, Don Bosco Technical School in Kep has developed well in terms of ethics and professionalism, including investing in classrooms and practice rooms, aiming to connect students to study and practice Obviously. Successful graduates have a 95% employment rate through the update by the end of 2022. They have worked in public and private institutions and some have started their own businesses. This really reflects that Don Bosco attaches great importance to the field of vocational education and training, which is one of the priority areas in the priority programs in the policy program and development strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia.